HOME Training Training Media Representatives on Compiling Investigative Press Reports on Justice-related Issues Completed Training Activity

Training Media Representatives on Compiling Investigative Press Reports on Justice-related Issues Completed Training Activity

Ramallah – On Thursday, 10 July 2008, the Initiative on Judicial Independence and Human Dignity (KARAMAH) concluded a one-week training course on development of investigative press reports about judiciary-related issues. Targeting media representatives, the training course was organised in cooperation with the Media Development Centre at Birzeit University.

In partnership with experts in judicial and media fields, the training course aimed to introduce media representatives to the Palestinian legal system. The course also provided training to journalists on compiling specialised investigative press reports on justice-related issues. In this context, theoretical and legal aspects related to proceedings applicable to actions at law, official and non-official justice institutions, as well controls and media code of conduct in addressing such the significant sector of justice were emphasised.

KARAMAH team presented research papers and briefing notes on the operation of the Palestinian civil police, Public Prosecution, Judiciary, correction and rehabilitation centres. Presentations were also made on the legal profession, criminal laboratories and forensic medicine. With the aim to consolidate theoretical discussion, the training event also hosted relevant experts and specialists in each training activity.

Additionally, the training course addressed practical aspects that highlight significant the role of the media in communicating judicial issues to the Palestinian public. The event also hosted a number of distinguished scholars with progressive experience in developing investigative press reports, and who have received distinctive awards in this field.

In coordination with relevant officials, trainees carried out field visits to the Administration of Correction and Rehabilitation Centres, Police Headquarters, Forensic Medicine Institute, Women's Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling, AL-HAQ, Independent Commission for Human Rights (ICHR) and Public Prosecution offices.

It is worth noting that the foregoing training course was organised under auspices of the Initiative on Judicial Independence and Human Dignity (KARAMAH) at the Institute of Law – Birzeit University, a project implemented in partnership with the Faculty of Law at Windsor University in Canada. KARAMAH benefits from financial support provided through the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA).