HOME Legal Encounters Prawer Plan: Media and Legal Aspects

Prawer Plan: Media and Legal Aspects

Birzeit: Monday, 9 December 2013: The Institute of Law (IoL) at Birzeit University organised a legal encounter on Prawer Plan: Media and Legal Aspects.

In her opening statement, IoL researcher Ms. Reem al Butmeh highlighted that the Prawer Plan posed an imminent danger on Palestinians, adversely affecting the Palestinian identity and facilitating Israel’s expropriation of Palestinian land claims. Ms. Butmeh stressed that this issue should be of particular interest to law, media and political science students. It provides capacity building and helps students address legal and media aspects of the Prawer scheme. In the legal encounter, presentations were made by youth activists and members of the Prawer Won’t Pass Campaign as well as by a legal expert from the Legal Centre for Arab Minority Rights in Israel (Adalah).

Mr. Ali Mawasi, a youth activist and member of the Prawer Won’t Pass Campaign, highlighted role of the youth movement in confronting Israel’s Judaisation of the Negev desert. Overviewing history of the Bedouin existence in the area, Mr. Mawasi explained that the Negev measured almost half of the area of Historic Palestine. It was inhabited by 95 Bedouin tribes, who built close relationships with Bedouins in Sinai, Transjordan and other regions. Oral history narratives and ancient historical sources indicate that the Bedouin existence in the Negev desert dates back to at least the 5th century AD. Mr. Mawasi stated that unrecognised villages (or villages with no recognition) had already been in place before the colonial State of Israel was proclaimed. Currently, these villages are not shown on maps. Israeli authorities do not recognise local inhabitants’ land claims nor do they deliver public services to these villages.

Mr. Fadi al Abrah, another youth activist and member of the Prawer Won’t Pass Campaign, provided a briefing note on living conditions in the Negev desert, highlighting standards of living as well as social, economic and health conditions. Mr. Abrah demonstrated that Israel has been implementing Judaisation policies as early as the 1970s. At first, the Negev residents were confined in the As Siyah area. The Israeli authorities recognise 11 Bedouin villages only. Although these are managed by an unofficial municipal council, public services are not delivered to the local population. Health conditions are deteriorating throughout Bedouin communities, including the highest child mortality rate as well as the highest number of people living with cancer. Mr. Abrah stated the youth movement confronted Judaisation of the Negev area in collaboration with local committees, including the National Steering Committee. Efforts made by the youth movement were crowned by the Day of Rage ‒ 30 November 2013. In solidarity with the Prawer Won’t Pass Campaign, mass demonstrations took to the streets in several areas, including in the 1948 territory, West Bank, and Arab and European countries. Protestors demanded that the Prawer Plan be cancelled.

Ms. Siwar Assi, a youth activist and member of the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) against the Prawer Plan, addressed the role of local and international media outlets in making the voice of Negev residents heard and exercising pressure on the Israeli authorities. Ms. Assi explained that the ISM “seeks to cancel the Prawer Plan and disrupt its enactment and approval as a law.” She stated that the ISM “comprises two components: (1) organising the grassroots movement to mobilise the public, act in solidarity with the Prawer Won’t Pass Campaign, and internationalise the Negev desert case; and (2) launching a political and diplomatic activity with a view to place pressure on the Government of Israel. In this context, solidarity activists will exercise pressure on their respective governments. With the ultimate goal cancelling the Prawer Plan, Ms. Assi stressed that the ISM is an auxiliary force; it supports the grassroots movement in order to make our voice heard across Europe and the Arab World.

Dr. Thabet Abu Ras, Director of the Adalah Section in the Negev area, elaborated on particular details of the Prawer plan and the future consequences it would generate. He explained that Israel “deals with Arabs of the Negev as if they had been a demographic and security issue. Israel is working towards establishing one Jewish state and consolidating its status as such. Currently, the Bedouin population live on only 2% of the whole Negev area, but demand that it be increased to 5%. For Arabs in Israel, what is going on in the Negev now is the most violent and most fierce since the 1948 Nakba.” Dr. Thabet emphasised risks posed by fragmentation policies promoted by the Israeli colonial regime. The Israeli authorities have created dichotomies of Arabs of Israel vs. Bedouins, etc. He affirmed that Prawer Plan won’t pass. “The Prawer Plan will be blocked by the tribal law. As is historically demonstrated, the tribal legal system is more powerful and dominant.” Dr. Thabet concluded.

In the ensuring discussion, participants emphasised the role responsible authorities and bodies should play to in support the Prawer Won’t Pass Campaign. Mechanisms will be devised to enhance the Palestinian youth participation in this Campaign.

The legal encounter was organised in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.