HOME Legal Encounters International Law and ICJ Advisory Opinion on the Separation Wall

International Law and ICJ Advisory Opinion on the Separation Wall

The lecture addresses the Advisory Opinion issued by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) regarding the Separation Wall [constructed by Israel in the occupied West Bank] and its consequences in light of the International Law rules. Professor Vaughn Lowe is an internationally famous scholar. He teaches International Law at Oxford University. Additionally, Professor Lowe has represented many governments in international circles. He was also one of the four lawyers who represented Palestine in Separation Wall case before the ICJ in the Hague.

The lecturer began his prologue by highlighting the difference between dealing with international issues and the Palestinian case. He also assured that the decision of the International Court of Justice concerning the Segregation Wall was a historical event for the Palestinian as it assured to the world that the Palestinians have their own rights. The lecturer also mentioned that the decision of the International Court of Justice is considered a big achievement for the Palestinians since Palestine is an occupied state including the Eastern Jerusalem. Finally the speaker pointed out that the International Court of Justice considered the Segregation Wall a violation against the International Law; thus it asked Israel to destroy the Wall and the whole world not to acknowledge the legal status, which arises of building the Wall. The number of participants was 71.