HOME Legal Encounters Small Enterprises in Palestine: Reality and Horizons

Small Enterprises in Palestine: Reality and Horizons

As part of Birzeit Legal Encounters, the Institute of Law (IoL), as well as the Faculty of Law and Public Administration at Birzeit University hosted Mr. Ahmed Abu Baker, Director General of the Palestinian Small Enterprise Centre. Dr. Khaled Talahmeh launched the legal encounter, welcomed and introduced Mr. Abu Baker, highlighting his specialised experience in the field of small enterprises.
Firstly, Mr. Abu Baker presented an image of the small enterprises sector in Palestine. According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS), approximately 88,000 small business enterprises are operative in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. In line with PCBS categorisation, these enterprises are divided according to the number of workers employed thereat, as follows:
  • Micro-small enterprises: 0 – 4 workers;
  • Small enterprises: 5 – 9 workers;
  • Medium enterprises: 10 – 19 workers; and
  • Large enterprises: 19 or more workers.
Of these, about 91% are micro-small enterprises that employ unpaid workers. In addition, 16% of these enterprises are not registered due to the prevalent legal environment, due liabilities, as well as complicated and costly procedures.