HOME Legislative Process

Legislative Process


This project focuses on the legislative cycle in general with a particular focus on legislative review. The program serves as a natural development of the research that we lead in 2004 on the harmony of legislation amongst each other and their consistency with the basic law that has the constitutional status.

The idea lies in systematizing the work of legislative assistance department by working systematically and not on only on particular demand concerning such areas as the empowerment of the legislator, legal and technical support, consultancy, research, information, policy harmonization for legislation. It also includes interaction with the legislative institutions and discussions about their organization and structure, and jurisdiction; the legislative operation (legislative policies, legislative drafting, promulgation and official publication); defining the legislative needs, policy formulation and technical drafting; and contact with the Palestinian legal community and legislative bodies to maximize the benefit of the IoL accumulative expertise in legislative drafting.


1/1/2005 - 30/12/2005


Konrad Adenauer Stiftung


  1. Fayez Bikerat
  2. Jamil Salem
  3. Mahmoud Dodeen
  4. Mahmoud Fayyad


  1. Legislative Process in the Arab World: Challenges and Opportunities