HOME Training training course targeting family lawyers in the Palestinian territory occupied in 1948

training course targeting family lawyers in the Palestinian territory occupied in 1948

The Institute of Law continues to deliver a training course targeting family lawyers in the Palestinian territory occupied in 1948


A decision for approval of the Institute of Law’s Specialised Professional Diploma Programme targeting Family Lawyers by the Committee of Family Lawyers in the 1948 Territory

Birzeit - 16 February 2015: In cooperation with the Nisaa wa Afaq (Women and Horizons) Organisation inside the Green Line, the Institute of Law (IoL) at Birzeit University has continued to organise a specialised training course on Personal Status and Inheritance. Launched on 6 December 2014, the training course targets legal practitioners and other members of the Arab community in the Palestinian territory occupied in 1948, who wish to receive a licence in family lawyering in line with the legal system in force inside the Green Line. The course provides training and rehabilitation to participants to help them take examinations scheduled for practicing the legal profession before family courts. These will be trained by trainers specialising in family laws and family court system. In this sense, the training course is a proof positive of unity among all Palestinians no matter where they are.

The training course covers key themes of family laws, personal status, and inheritance, including judicial applications of relevant cases before family courts. Totalling 84 training hours, the course will last for 16 weeks, with an average of six training hours to be provided every week. Training modules are part of the Specialised Professional Diploma Programme targeting Family Lawyers, which the IoL has launched in collaboration with the Nisaa wa Afaq (Women and Horizons) Organisation. The present training is the first of training courses to be delivered in this Programme. In addition to personal status and inheritance, the Diploma Programme covers Waqf (real property dedicated to pious purposes or pious foundations), legal drafting, scientific research, and other relevant themes. It targets 15 members of the legal community, who wish to take examinations for practicing the legal profession before family courts inside the Palestinian territory occupied in 1948. To this end, trainees will have improved skills in topics addressed by the Programme.

Organised over a period of 60 weeks, the Diploma Programme comprises a total of 352 training hours. In this context, the Committee of Family Lawyers in the 1948 Territory approved the IoL-sponsored Specialised Professional Diploma Programme targeting Family Lawyers to help lawyers apply for examinations scheduled for practicing the legal profession before family courts in the 1948 territory.