HOME Training Training Course on The Litigation Process before Family Courts

Training Course on The Litigation Process before Family Courts

In cooperation with the High Council of Family Courts, the Institute of Law (IoL) launched on 25 June 2013 a training course on the Litigation Process before Family Courts. Taking place over three days (25, 26 and 29 June 2013),

the training event will target directors of family court clerk offices. In addition to family court administration, training will be provided on procedures of divorce and certification of succession. The training course will also include a presentation on the Family Law Court Judgements Database of the Palestinian Legal and Judicial System (AL-MUQTAFI).

In her opening statement, Reem al Butmeh, senior researcher at the IoL, welcomed His Eminence Sheikh Yousef Id’eis, Chairman of the High Council of Family Courts and President of the High Family Court, and directors of family court clerk offices. Al Butmeh explained that the training event was a component of an integrated programme of cooperation between the IoL and High Council of Family Courts. It “is tailored to provide capacity building to justice sector staff, ensuring smooth progress of the litigation process and enhancing service delivery at family courts.”

Sheikh Id’eis expressed his thanks and gratitude to the IoL and commended its concerted effort to develop family court processes in Palestine. He highlighted that “this training activity is one in a series of courses the IoL delivers in collaboration with the High Council of Family Courts, targeting family court staff.” Sheikh Id’eis said that directors of family court clerk offices were selected to be the first trainees in light of their significant role in court administration and with a view to maintain smooth work progress at family courts. He articulated his hope that a maximum benefit be made of the training themes. Again, Sheikh Id’eis thanked the IoL for its continued cooperation towards consolidating justice and rule of law in Palestine.

Funded by the Representative Office of Demark to the Palestinian Authority, the training course is an activity of the Constitution and Women’s Rights: Access to Justice Project. To promote women’s right to access justice, the project is designed to streamline and disseminate information on personal status, paying special attention to the litigation process before family courts in relevant themes.